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Mike -- Kittsee is RUDE!


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To fly a flag upside down is a traditional nautical distress sign.


Either Mike has no manners or perhaps he is in distress.


Mike, if your distress is finnancial, I can send you some money. Will this help? Don't stress, MIKE, I am an American and, as usual, I will always be here to help you during your times of need.


If you are not in distress, then, please, NO POLITICS! LET'S JUST RIDE!


Thank you,



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Darum bin i gestern glei ohne Cam gfoan und hob nua a büdl renna lossn,i was jo an schoaß wie de Fahne richtig hängt-Stern oben, Stern unten links oder rechts oder glei gaunz vakehrt.-Fuck!!!!!!!:wink::toll:

Nimm unsere ohne Bundesadler. Die kannst hinhängen wie du willst; die hängt farblich sicher richtig.:rofl:


Mich stört, daß du so schwitzt...also hör damit auf beim nächsten Rennen. Is ja ned zum anschaun:D


PS: Aber eigentlich gehts erm genau goar nyx an was du in deinem Haus machst.

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To my Cycling Friends:


My Father fought in World War II and I think we can all thank his generation for their sacrifices. After the war, he married a German girl named "Kipke". (--> "Kip" = me!)


Yesterday, Saturday, my Father died at the age of 97 years. Sure, he was patriotic but he absolutely loved Germany. I feel the same way.


The American Flag will now drape over his casket and, after the funeral, I will keep this flag for generations to come.


A friend of mine, a Doctor, a cycling buddy of mine, was recently killed in Iraq. A mortar shell exploded as he ran from his tent in a field hospital near Baghdad.(I am afraid that he died for no good reason in this conflict.)

He leaves behind, here in SF, a wife and two small children. An American Flag also draped over his casket and his family will keep that Flag for generations.

I was afraid to show that family what I do (racing) over the DaumServer because they would be hurt to see the flag hanging upside down.


My friends, currently, it is difficult to be an American in the eyes of the world. We have an insane President who has us stuck in a pointless war. This situation is truly killing our country. We are usually a great country but lately we are screwing-up big time. Sorry for being so sensitive.


Please remember that I live in San Francisco and, believe me, it is not like middle-America. SF is the most unique and progressive area in the US. If you have not done so already, you must all come to visit. You will, for sure, always have a friend here, me!


And so, I apologize to Mike for jumpin in his Sh__t over the Flag thing.

I am a little "sensitive" lately.


It is a beautiful day here in California and I now need to get on my bike and ride up in the hills and smile over all the good things we have in life.


See you on the DaumServer,


Your SF cycling friend,



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Welcome kip, and my sincerest condolences. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/traurig/k055.gif


After your explanation its easier to understand why you react so sensitive, because of the flag.


The light in Mikes cellar reflects in his Ergodisplay and on his Computerscreen. Therfore he fixes the flag this way to avoid these reflections. He wouldn´t be tactless. ;)


Welcome aboard :toll:

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