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Formula Oro Rückruf!


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hab folgendes grad auf mtbr.com gefunden, gilt mWn auch für europa (zumindest steht nix von "US only" dort):





Your Formula Oro Disc brake system may be the subject of a safety recall. If your bike has a Formula Oro disc brake system installed, STOP RIDING YOUR BIKE until you determine whether your brakes are part of this recall.


The set screw which secures the pin which attaches the brake lever to the master cylinder may come loose. If these set screws come loose, your brake levers may separate from the brake, rendering the brakes inoperable, and you could lose control of your bike and fall.


Check the serial number of your brakes at the brake lever. Brakes with a serial number lower than 295237 are included. If you have an affected brake set, bring it to the bicycle dealer where you purchased the brakes for inspection and repair.


nicht gerade vertrauensfördernd.

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von http://www.formula-brake.it:


After careful analysis we have discovered that on Formula Oro brakes produced before the 1st of

June 2007 - there exists a small possibility that under some unfavorable circumstances the grub screw

that secures the lever pivot pin could become loose and allow the lever pivot pin to become detatched.

The abscence of the lever pivot pin would render the brake inoperable. This issue potentially affects

all Oro brake systems with serial numbers below 295237.


na gratuliere :f:


ganzes pdf hier: http://www.formula-brake.it/pdf/safety/Grano.en.pdf

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