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Was hört ihr für Musik??


Was hört ihr für Musik??  

1.249 Benutzer abgestimmt

  1. 1. Was hört ihr für Musik??

    • Pop/Charts/Ö3... Kommerz ist das beste!
    • Klassik, das hab ich als Kind schon ghört, LIVE versteht sich...
    • Rock'n'Roll - Elvis lebt schließlich...
    • Techno/Hardcore/Disco-Musik - erst ab 120bpm wirds gut....
    • Punk - Rock - Heavy Metal - Alternativ - Grunge; geile E-Gitarrensounds, was gibt es schöneres??
    • R'n'B/Kuschelrock/SadSongs.... für den Herzschmerz
    • Volksmusik.... die Kastelruther Spatzen sind das ultimative... :s:
    • Rap/Hip-Hop, Eminem 4-ever
    • Black Metal (also, die Satan-hole-mich-Musik)
    • Sonstiges, das sich hier nicht mehr ausgeht....
    • Sepultura & Co.

Empfohlene Beiträge

The Cardigans /

If There Is A Chance


the music's playing on

but something's wrong

something's gone

the major's turning blue

and so did you

so did you


I'm noticing the dirt

and it hurts that you left

you really had to go

so you say

so you say


birds leave their nests

and they fly

there's nobody left here but I


if there is a chance

just one in this world

that we'll ever dance

again as it turns

if there is a chance

if there is a way

there's one record left

that you haven't heard


the neighbours had to move

go away

go away

I can't afford to leave

so I'll stay

I have to stay


birds know it's best

to fly

and not stick around and cry


if there is a chance

just one in this world

that we'll ever dance

again as it turns

if there is a chance

if there is a way

there's one record left

that you haven't heard

and I'll keep it spinning...

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