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Was hört ihr für Musik??


Was hört ihr für Musik??  

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  1. 1. Was hört ihr für Musik??

    • Pop/Charts/Ö3... Kommerz ist das beste!
    • Klassik, das hab ich als Kind schon ghört, LIVE versteht sich...
    • Rock'n'Roll - Elvis lebt schließlich...
    • Techno/Hardcore/Disco-Musik - erst ab 120bpm wirds gut....
    • Punk - Rock - Heavy Metal - Alternativ - Grunge; geile E-Gitarrensounds, was gibt es schöneres??
    • R'n'B/Kuschelrock/SadSongs.... für den Herzschmerz
    • Volksmusik.... die Kastelruther Spatzen sind das ultimative... :s:
    • Rap/Hip-Hop, Eminem 4-ever
    • Black Metal (also, die Satan-hole-mich-Musik)
    • Sonstiges, das sich hier nicht mehr ausgeht....
    • Sepultura & Co.

Empfohlene Beiträge

Megavier - Ideal Die Da





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SO LONG, Jimmy


I just can't believe that it's over.

We were chilling out on the sofa,

Digging how the guitar goes,

In a song that no one knows.

Did you lick that line yourself,

Or did the voodoo magic help?

Does everyone have a different take?

Do you seem real but I seem fake?

Does everyone get hypnotized by your fire?


So long, Jimmy, so long.

Though you only stayed a moment,

We all know that you're the one. Singing,

So long, Jimmy, so long.

Sure we're glad for the experience,

We miss you now you've gone.

We're just swimming in your soul 'cause,

We all wish we wrote this song.

Life goes on.


I'm just so relieved that it's over.

We were hanging out going nowhere,

Digging how the guitar goes,

In a song that no one knows.

Did you burn that bridge yourself,

Or did the voodoo magic help?

Does everyone have a different take?

Are you just cool and I'm just baked?

Does everyone get mesmerized by your fire?


So long, Jimmy, so long.

Though you only stayed a moment,

We all know that you're the one. Singing,

So long, Jimmy, so long.

Sure we're glad for the experience,

We miss you now you've gone.

We're just swimming in your soul 'cause,

We all wish we wrote this song.

Life goes on.

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UB40 - Cherry oh baby





Music : Eric Donaldson

Lyrics : Eric Donaldson

Cherry oh, Cherry oh, baby,

Don`t you know I`m in need of thee?

If you don`t believe it`s true,

What have you left me to do?

So long I,ve been waiting,

For you to come right in.

And now that we are together,

Please make my joy run over.


Oh oh ee oh oh ee oh,

Oh oh ee oh ee oh ee oh.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yah.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

Cherry, oh, Cherry, oh, baby,

Don`t you know I`m in love with you?

If you don`t believe I do,

Then why don`t you try me?

I`m never gonna let you down,

Never make you wear no frown.

If you say you love me madly,

Then I will receive you gladly.


Cherry, oh, Cherry, oh, baby,

Don`t you know I`m in love with you?

If you don`t believe I do,

Then why don`t you try me?

I`m never gonna let you down,

Never make you wear no frown.

If you say you love me madly,

Then why do you treat me badly.



...... ist so ein richtiges Lied im Auto auf der Reise in den Süden :afro:

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Toto - The Essential Toto




dös ist jetzt net wahrÜ für toto bist doch zu jung :D steve "gitarrenverbrecher" lukather... hihi, wie oft wurde der in der altgen "musicbox" gedisst?? so schon vórbei, *erinnerungsmodusoff*

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und wieder mal:


massive attack - teardrop


soooooooooo schön.....


(love)love is a verb

Love is a doing word

Feathers on my breath

Gentle impulsion

Shakes me makes me lighter

Feathers on my breath


Teardrop on the fire

Feathers on my breath


In the night of matter

Black flowers blossom

Feathers on my breath

Black flowers blossom

Feathers on my breath


Teardrop on the fire

Feathers on my breath


Water is my eye

Most faithful my love

Feathers on my breath

Teardrop on the fire of a confession

Feathers on my breath

Most faithful my love

Feathers on my breath


Teardrop on the fire

Feathers on my breath


Stumbling a little (x2)

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