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Was hört ihr für Musik??


Was hört ihr für Musik??  

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  1. 1. Was hört ihr für Musik??

    • Pop/Charts/Ö3... Kommerz ist das beste!
    • Klassik, das hab ich als Kind schon ghört, LIVE versteht sich...
    • Rock'n'Roll - Elvis lebt schließlich...
    • Techno/Hardcore/Disco-Musik - erst ab 120bpm wirds gut....
    • Punk - Rock - Heavy Metal - Alternativ - Grunge; geile E-Gitarrensounds, was gibt es schöneres??
    • R'n'B/Kuschelrock/SadSongs.... für den Herzschmerz
    • Volksmusik.... die Kastelruther Spatzen sind das ultimative... :s:
    • Rap/Hip-Hop, Eminem 4-ever
    • Black Metal (also, die Satan-hole-mich-Musik)
    • Sonstiges, das sich hier nicht mehr ausgeht....
    • Sepultura & Co.

Empfohlene Beiträge

grad...Tocotronic ...


himmel. das waren noch zeiten. :rofl:


Für mein Alter bin ich ganz schön altklug sagen sie!

Digital ist besser!

Gehen die Leute auf der Strasse eigentlich absichtlich so langsam?

"Du bist ganz schön bedient" hast du zu mir gesagt.

Es gibt nur "cool" u. "uncool" u. wie man sich fühlt.

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ja wenn man jung is.. :D


das erinnert mich an eine gruppe liebeskranker typen die in meinem alten stammlokal zu "ich mag dich einfach nicht mehr so" zum weinerlichsten gitarrensolo aller zeiten morrisay-ähnliche weltschmerzzustände durchlitten hatten. das war ein anblick. wie begossene pudel. :toll:

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Where is the moment we need it the most

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

They tell me your blue sky's fade to grey

They tell me your passion's gone away

And I don't need no carryin' on


You stand in the line just ahead of the law

You're faking a smile with the coffee you go

You tell me your life's been way off line

You're falling to pieces everytime

And I don't need no carryin' on


Cause you had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

The camera don't lie

You're coming back down and you really don't mind

You had a bad day

You had a bad day


Well you need a blue sky holiday

The point is they laugh at what you say

And I don't need no carryin' on


You had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

The camera don't lie

You're coming back down and you really don't mind

You had a bad day


(Oh.. Holiday..)


Sometimes the system goes on the blink

And the whole thing it turns out wrong

You might not make it back and you know

That you could be well oh that strong

Well I'm not wrong


So where is the passion when you need it the most

Oh you and I

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost


Cause you had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

You've seen what you like

And how does it feel for one more time

You had a bad day

You had a bad day


Had a bad day

Had a bad day

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misfits - scream


A chill runs up your spine

It crawls into your brain

The freezing touch of fear


it's driving me insane

although you try to fight

dragged from the silence where you hide


'til you... Scream

'til you... Scream


A chill runs up your spine

It crawls into your brain

The freezing touch of fear


it's driving me insane

although you try to fight

dragged from the silence where you hide


'til you... Scream

'til you... Scream


I can't wait to hear you...

I can't wait to hear you...


it's driving me insane

although you try to fight

dragged from the silence where you hide


'til you... Scream



I can't wait to hear you....





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misfits - last caress


I got something to say

I killed your baby today

And it doesn't matter much to me

As long as it's dead


Well I got something to say

I raped your mother today

And it doesn't matter much to me

As long as she spread


Sweet lovely death

I am waiting for your breath

Come sweet death, one last caress




Sweet lovely death

I am waiting for your breath

Come sweet death, one last caress


Well, I got something to say

I killed your baby today

And it doesn't matter much to me

As long as it's dead


Sweet lovely death

I am waiting for your breath

Come sweet death

One last caress


One last caress, sweet death

One last caress, sweet death



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Carina Round - Into my blood :love: :love:


Read between smoking silhouettes

Did not catch sight of you yet


Oh why,

Is it so unkind?


Silver morning brings something to fight

Into the frame of its idiot night

It keeps me inside


I wait all my life

Just for the rush

The passing of fire

Into my blood


All the reasons that raced through my mind

Just to keep me twisted and drowned

I leave them behind


Watch the people get tricked out of time

Every dream they had passing them by

It's freedom to find


I wait all my life

Just for the rush

The passing of fire

Into my blood


Wait all my life

Just for the rush

The passing of fire into my blood

Into my blood


Burn the secrets I know a landslide

We'll always fall on the eclipse side

Tell me I've got no other way home/down

The way,

I wait all my life

Just for the rush

The fear and the fight towards the inside

Into the light, ready to burn

I wait no more or hang on my turn

Move too slow, it's like waiting to die

To diffuse my mind

A dream that's/less defined

Into the flow/ hands to the floor

This feeling is pure

They're shooting up love

Into my blood

Into my blood



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the knife - heartbeats :kiss:


One night to be confused

one night to speed up truth

we had a promise made

four hands and then away

both under influence

we had divine scent

to know what to say

mind is a razor blade


To call for hands of above to lean on

wouldn't be good enough for me


One night of magic rush

the start: a simple touch

one night to push and scream

and then relief

ten days of perfect tunes

the colours red and blue

we had a promise made

we were in love


To call for hands of above to lean on

wouldn't be good enough for me


And you

you knew the hand of a devil

and you

kept us awake with wolves teeth

sharing different heart beats in one night


To call for hands of above to lean on

wouldn't be good enough for me




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Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk to you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seed while I was sleeping

And a vision, that was planted in my brain

Still remains

within the sound of silence


In restless dreams I walked alone

Through narrow streets of cobblestone

Beneath a halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

and touched the sound of silence


And in the naked light I saw

Tenthousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs, that voices never shared

No one dared

disturb the sound of silence


Fools, said I, you do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

But my words like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

in the wells of silence


And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said, the words of the prophets

are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls,


in the sound of silence

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isses notwendig das immer die ganzen texte gepostet werden? :confused: is für nix und auf a seitn passen dann 3 posts... :f:



"the disco boys - for you (michi lange remix)" :toll:


Bist ja nur neidisch weil deine Ufzn-Ufz-Ufzn-Lieder keinen Text haben! :D;)


Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills

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hat von euch schon wer des neue Pennywise album?!


des is soo geil:)

Pennywise - yell out


frälllich, und das ist gut so. hat irgendwie noch immer dieses schulschikursflair. :cool:


in sachen neu ist mir aufgefallen:


nine black alps: gut, aber nur partiell

screaming trees: ok

son volt: fein

nada surf: fabulös

a: fetzich, aber einklich wie immer

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Subway to Sally - Traum vom Tod II

Ich hab heut Nacht vom Tod geträumt

er stand auf allen Wegen

er winkte und er rief nach mir so laut

er sprach mein Leben sei verwirkt

ich sollt mich zu ihm legen

ein frühes Grab sei längst für

mich gebaut


ich floh soweit das Land mich trug

soweit die Vögel fliegen

doch mir zur Seite spürte ich den Tod

sein Schatten folgte meiner Spur

ich sah ihn bei mir liegen

und seine Hände waren blutig rot


da wußte ich es weht der Wind

und Regen fällt hernieder

auch wenn schon längst kein Hahn mehr

nach mir kräht

weil ich schon längst vergessen bin

singt man mir keine Lieder

nur Unkraut grünt und blüht auf

jedem Feld


ich hab heut Nacht vom Tod geträumt

es gibt kein ewig Leben

für Mensch und Tier und Halm und Strauch

und Baum

... das war mein Traum

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ein klassiker:



Prince - Purple Rain


I never wanted to be your weekend lover

I only wanted to be some kind of friend

Baby I could never steal you from another

It's such a shame our friendship had to end


I only wanted to see you underneath the purple rain



holy shit :eek:

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