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bike talk in vienna, donnerstag krampustag

tommy d. p.

Empfohlene Beiträge

Brown Girl in the Ring


Dere isa brown girl in the ring tra la la la la

A brown girl in the ring tra la la la la la

Dere isa brown girl in the ring tra la la la la

Shi luk lakka sugar and a plum

(Plum Plum)

Show mi yu moition tra la la la la

Show mi your moition tra la la la la la

Show mi your moition tra la la la la

Show mi your moition tra la la la la la

Shi luk lakka sugar and a plum

(Plum Plum)

Skip across the ocean tra la la la la

Skip across the ocean tra la la la la la

Skip across the ocean tra la la la la

Skip across the ocean tra la la la la la

Shi luk lakka sugar and a plum

(Plum Plum)

Stand before your lover tra la la la la

Stand before your lover tra la la la la la

Stand before your lover tra la la la la

Shi luk lakka sugar and a plum

(Plum Plum)

Dere isa brown girl in the ring tra la la la la

A brown girl in the ring tra la la la la la

Dere isa brown girl in the ring sha la la la la

Shi luk lakka sugar and a plum

(Plum Plum)




Brown Squirrel in the Forest


There is a brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

A brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

There is a brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

And it looks like a Wehrwolf and a Ghosty.

(Ghosty,Ghosty) :D :eek: :eek: ...............

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Da hab i was gfundn ;) :D


Lying here on the floor where you left me

I think I took too much

I'm crying here, what have you done?

I thought it would be fun


I can't stay on your life support

There's a shortage in the switch

I can't stay on your morphine

'Cause it's making me itch

I said I tried to call the nurse again

But she's being a little bitch

I'll think I'll get out of here


Where I can run just as fast as I can

To the middle of nowhere

To the middle of my frustrated fears


And I swear you're just like a pill

Instead of making me better

You keep making me ill

You keep making me ill


I haven't moved from the spot where you left me

It must be a bad trip

All of the other pills were different

Maybe I should get some help


I can't stay on your life support

There's a shortage in the switch

I can't stay on your morphine

'Cause it's making me itch

I said I tried to call the nurse again

But she's being a little bitch

I'll think I'll get out of here


Where I can run just as fast as I can

To the middle of nowhere

To the middle of my frustrated fears


And I swear you're just like a pill

Instead of making me better

You keep making me ill

You keep making me ill



MfG. Race-Driver :D :D




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Bissige Eichörnchen




Im Wienerwald wurden in letzter Zeit äusserst agressive und bissige Eichörnchen gesichtet.


Besondere Agressivität zeigen diese in der Nacht,...


Zwei Passanten (ein Jäger und ein Biker....... ) wurden dabei schwer verletzt. Den einem wurde die Halsschlagader durchgebissen, dem anderen das Herz herausgerissen!


Experten berichten, es sei eine Laune der Natur.



Ein Aufruf an alle Biker und Naturfreunde VORSICHT ! Immer Ausschau auf diese kleinen lieben netten Tierchen.






Brown Squirrel in the Forest


There is a brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

A brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

There is a brown squirrel in the forest tra la la la la.

And it looks like a Wehrwolf and a Ghosty.

(Ghosty,Ghosty) ...............



Laut Forschungsergebnis des zoologischem Instituts für Verhaltensforschung:


Wenn 'sd a Sackerl Nüsse oder besser "a guats durchs SCHNITZERL" mit hast, dann passiert da im Normalfall nix......


Des Eichörnchen nimmts, gibt da a Busserl und verschwindet wieder im Wald!!!!!!! :p :p :D

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