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Musikwünsche für die Bikeboard Party am 20. Nov 2009


Empfohlene Beiträge


ABB-sweet melissa


Greatful Dead - friend of the devil

berkley hart - runnin for the texas line


rhett akins


Garth Brooks - Callin' Baton Rouge


Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman



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Senser - Age of Panic


The Cure - Burn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzHzHbeRYSc&feature=related


PJ Harvey - Big Exit


Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11Hej3fEpYA



...sowas in der art und noch viel mehr bitte ;)


Jö, fast wie eine Zeitreise ins schöne alte U4! :jump:

sehr feine Auswahl! :klatsch:



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Into the black, where the night

never ends and the light

leaves a scar on your soul

where your heart used to hold

your love in - heaven in blahack!! :p


Pah.. ich halts da lieber mit Patrice :)



Have you ever seen the world with loving eyes,

Well it is beautiful and nice and every moments a suprise yeah,

Have you ever heard of the things them sound with loving ears ,

Well it will make you feel so fine and make you wanna dance and smile.


Do you know what words can do when there is love in them

It can crown girls to queens,

and beggars to kings saying,

Love is the reason for everything,

and that is why, why I a sing say,


I need you like the moon need the moon to shine,

yeah every second you depon my mind.


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