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Was hört ihr für Musik??


Was hört ihr für Musik??  

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  1. 1. Was hört ihr für Musik??

    • Pop/Charts/Ö3... Kommerz ist das beste!
    • Klassik, das hab ich als Kind schon ghört, LIVE versteht sich...
    • Rock'n'Roll - Elvis lebt schließlich...
    • Techno/Hardcore/Disco-Musik - erst ab 120bpm wirds gut....
    • Punk - Rock - Heavy Metal - Alternativ - Grunge; geile E-Gitarrensounds, was gibt es schöneres??
    • R'n'B/Kuschelrock/SadSongs.... für den Herzschmerz
    • Volksmusik.... die Kastelruther Spatzen sind das ultimative... :s:
    • Rap/Hip-Hop, Eminem 4-ever
    • Black Metal (also, die Satan-hole-mich-Musik)
    • Sonstiges, das sich hier nicht mehr ausgeht....
    • Sepultura & Co.

Empfohlene Beiträge

... Soundgarden -- SOMMS

Into the Void:


How can you buy or sell the sky

Or the warmth of the land it's strange to us

We don't own the freshness of the air

Or the sparkle of the water

How can you buy them from us

The white man doesn't understand our ways

For he's a stranger who comes in the night

And takes from the land just what he needs


Oh yeah


He treats his brothers like his enemies

When it's completed he moves on

He leaves his father's grave and his birthright

His birthright is forgotten

The air is precious to the red man

For all things share the same breath

The white man won't notice the air he breathes

Like a man dying for many days


All right now


The whites must treat the beasts of his land

As his brothers not his enemies

Tell me what is man without the beasts

I'll bet he will die of loneliness


One thing we know that the white man will

We know our god is the same god

You may think you wish to own him

Own him as you wish to own our land

But he is the body of man

And the earth is precious to him

Continue to contaminate your bed

And you will suffocate in your waste

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