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Seid ihr Single...


Seid Ihr Single ???  

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  1. 1. Seid Ihr Single ???

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Bei mir ist die arme ein bißchen falsch gelandet, hihi.




Hello my new friend!

I understand, that you do not know me and I do not know you, but I ask

a few patience from you to read my letter. In the beginning I want to

be presented you. My name is Ekaterina and To me of 28 years. I was

born and I live in Russia. I work as the Bookkeeper - the Financier on

the state company. Certainly the most important i want to found love

and my the husband to be the happiest woman in the world. Now we live

in the modern world, and many people use the Internet and various

"Agencies of Acquaintances" to get acquainted with the suitable person

in any continent of the earth. Recently I have found such agency of

marriage in my city. This agency gave to me yours E-mail and have

told, that you also are interested to find the woman for a life. I

think, that now you can understand, how my letter has come to you. We

can try to build serious relations or probably simply to be friends.

All this, that I wanted to tell to you and now I shall wait only your



To me it will be pleasant if you answer my e-mail: elenashueretskaja@yahoo.com


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Bei mir ist die arme ein bißchen falsch gelandet, hihi.




Hello my new friend!

I understand, that you do not know me and I do not know you, but I ask

a few patience from you to read my letter. In the beginning I want to

be presented you. My name is Ekaterina and To me of 28 years. I was

born and I live in Russia. I work as the Bookkeeper - the Financier on

the state company. Certainly the most important i want to found love

and my the husband to be the happiest woman in the world. Now we live

in the modern world, and many people use the Internet and various

"Agencies of Acquaintances" to get acquainted with the suitable person

in any continent of the earth. Recently I have found such agency of

marriage in my city. This agency gave to me yours E-mail and have

told, that you also are interested to find the woman for a life. I

think, that now you can understand, how my letter has come to you. We

can try to build serious relations or probably simply to be friends.

All this, that I wanted to tell to you and now I shall wait only your



To me it will be pleasant if you answer my e-mail: elenashueretskaja@yahoo.com




Ja, dieser Brief ist ehrlich gemeint! Es gibt ja doch noch Frauen, die

das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck haben!

(Wobei aber zu bedenken ist, dass, zumindest in Wien, der "Fleck"

ein Synonym für Brieftasche ist. :qualm:

Also: Don`t hesitate, write back asap!




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Es gibt ja doch noch Frauen, die

das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck haben!

(Wobei aber zu bedenken ist, dass, zumindest in Wien, der "Fleck"

ein Synonym für Brieftasche ist. :qualm:




jetzt hast mir aber jegliche illusion geraubt:(

ich dachte immer für frauen zählen nur innere werte, egal wieviel man besitzt und die promis oder hässlichen alten typen haben junge hübsche frauen weil sie halt einfach tottal nette kerle sind:devil:

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